1. All 50mm sections:
Canon EOS 1000 35mm Film SLR
Colour Transparency (Kodak Ektachrome;
Fujifilm- Provia and Velvia)
B/W Negative (Ilford Pan 100)
2. Compact Camera section:
Camera: Digital
Sony (with wide lens)
3. Smartphone Photography sections:
Fair Use: Soundtrack used for non-profit educational purposes only.
Wish I were a Camera

The moving stories of a still photograph:
don't take my picture! it steals a part of my soul.
Wish I were a Camera

The moving stories of a still photograph:
don't take my picture! it steals a part of my soul.
''It is not important to photograph,
it is important to be with life'',
Harry Callahan said.
it is important to be with life'',
Harry Callahan said.
Henri Cartier Bresson put his
camera away one day and took up drawing.
camera away one day and took up drawing.
Robert Frank stopped photographing
at the height of his career.
at the height of his career.
When asked why, he replied that
he didn't want to repeat himself.
Alfred Steiglitz sat in his apartment
and kept shooting
the clouds above (Equivalents series).
and kept shooting
the clouds above (Equivalents series).
Robert Capa got too close,
closer than his famous quotation advised
(If your pictures are not good enough,
(If your pictures are not good enough,
you are not close enough),
and got killed.
and got killed.
Diane Arbus committed suicide.
Kevin carter (girl and the vulture in Sudan)
killed himself after winning the Pulitzer.
killed himself after winning the Pulitzer.
Jeanloup Sieff said photography is time.
Godard said photography is truth.
Some photographers saw truth in the ordinary.
Some saw too much truth that it killed them.
Some saw the light even where there wasn't any.
And some were blinded by the same light.
'A photograph is always invisible',
Roland Barthes writes.
Only with Frame, Flatness, Vantage Point,
Focus, Exposure and Time,
the photographic reality comes into existence.
Godard said photography is truth.
Some photographers saw truth in the ordinary.
Some saw too much truth that it killed them.
Some saw the light even where there wasn't any.
And some were blinded by the same light.
Roland Barthes writes.
Only with Frame, Flatness, Vantage Point,
Focus, Exposure and Time,
the photographic reality comes into existence.
' Time is changing space, space is changing time',
Wynn Bullock reveals.
Taking photographs is like having visions.
And the nature of visions is that
you can never deny them.
you can never deny them.
Photography, to me, is no different
from the shamanic vision quest,
the aboriginal walkabout;
where suddenly for a moment
you see things as they are.
This is the transcendental function
of photography.
Buddha held up a flower
and Mahakashyapa smiled
in understanding. Chan was born.
Every moment holds a secret
and a photograph waits to be born.

from the shamanic vision quest,
the aboriginal walkabout;
where suddenly for a moment
you see things as they are.
This is the transcendental function
of photography.
Buddha held up a flower
and Mahakashyapa smiled
in understanding. Chan was born.
Every moment holds a secret
and a photograph waits to be born.